History of Valentine’s Day
According to the legends, Claudius II, who was the then Emperor of Rome, declared marriage as illegal. However, St. Valentine was against his decision. So, he decided to organize wedding ceremonies without prior consent or approval from the Roman Emperor Claudius II. Later, Claudius II sentenced him to death.
Valentine’s Day Greetings by various countries
Besides United States of America, people in many other countries such as Canada, United Kingdom, France and Australia observe Valentine’s Day. The Valentine’s Day gained immense popularity at Great Britain during the period of seventeenth century B.C. However, by the middle of eighteenth century B.C., most of the people, who belonged to the Upper Class families, began to celebrate Valentine’s Day. They celebrated the day by mutually exchanging written messages to their loved ones.
With the advent of advanced printing technology, Valentine’s Day greeting cards replaced handwritten notes. It was indeed one of the major developments in the field of printing technology. The people can express their love and affection by purchasing greeting cards from a nearby store or retails shop. There was a sharp decline in the postage fees thereby enhancing the popularity of Valentine’s Day greeting cards.
Most of the people, who were residing in United States of America began to send or receive Valentine’s Day card during early 1700’s. Back in the year 1840, a renowned artist and businessperson named Esther. A. Howland popularized the concept of Valentine’s Day greeting cards. Her nicked name was ‘Mother of Valentine’. It was due to her contributions towards the introduction of Valentine’s Day greeting cards.
Send fabulous Valentine’s Day gifts to your loved ones
Valentine’s Day is the festival of love and romance. As the day is almost at the doorstep, it is high to think about presenting a valuable and memorable Valentine’s Day gifts to your sweetheart. You may browse through a reliable e-commerce website to access various Valentine’s Day gifts and place your orders much in advance.
Most of the E-commerce websites have recently introduced a wide range of exotic Valentine’s Day gifts. You may choose a suitable gift and send gifts, which exactly matches your theme. An individual do have the option to avail express delivery services, which are offered by the online e-commerce portals. Express delivery services is available both at National and International levels as well. The customers also have the option to customize their purchased products. For example, while delivering gift items to your loved ones, he/she may attach some personalized text messages along with a particular gift item.